Monday, November 7, 2011

How to fix a computer that crashes or hangs

Perhaps you have experienced when the computer starts up the first time everything went smoothly, but a few minutes later the computer becomes slow and then the computer to hang or halt altogether, can not diapa-apain. The only way is to forcibly reset the computer then the computer restarts, but after a while the computer to hang again, you would feel upset actually what happened?

Actually, many factors that can make the computer become slow or even hangs. Here is some of my experiences when fixing a computer that hangs.
1. Computer hangs due to CPU overheating

Most of the computer to hang, because the cooling system on the CPU does not run properly. To overcome this there are several ways we can do:
  • Open heatsing and processor fan in the heart - the heart.
  • Clean the cooling fins and fan processor from dust, when fans jammed give a little grease on the shaft if necessary, replace with new.
  • Clean the dried paste that sticks to the processor and heatsink, replace and apply new paste.
  • More input processor, heatsink and fan into the holder carefully.
  • Note the position of heatsink (cooler) and the Processor fan, make sure the conditions are mounted correctly Heatsing especially for Heatsing for Processor socket type LGA, note the condition of each screw is attached.
2. Computer Power Supply hangs due to power shortage

There are times when the computer hangs because the Power Supply that has been damaged, although it does not cause the death total, lack of power on the power supply can menyebabkab computer hangs and some USB devices not detected or not working.

3. Computer hangs due to bad sectors hard drive

Bad sectors hard drive but can cause also cause computer to hang windows displays a "blue screen". The first way to fix it is to run Scandisk program. How hard the problem can be taken once and installed on another computer.

4. Computer hangs due to faulty VGA card

Some computers also have a hang because there keruksakan on its VGA Katu. To check how it can replace the VGA card first suspected a problem with a good VGA card.

5. Computer hangs for LAN connection

For computers connected to the network, sometimes it feels heavy when accessing data from another computer, the program is running slow and eventually the computer to hang. To ensure the computer hangs for a network connection (LAN), first remove the network cable to the computer then run the computer as usual. If all goes as normal can be sure the computer hangs for a network connection.
Some ways you can do is:
  • Make sure the RJ45 connector is properly installed.
  • Then do a reset on the hub (switches) LAN, how can revoke the power hub Kable is then inserted back.
  • Remove the network cable from one port to another port (usually there are several ports in the hubs that become damaged due to certain problems).
  • If the problem persists replace the network card (LAN card) with a new one.
That some of the causes and ways to cope in fixing computer hangs, may help.


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